GSI for Challenger ROW

Location: Tucson, Arizona 

Year Complete: In Design

Project Lead: West Consultants

Client: City of Tucson Storm to Shade

Wilder (as a subconsultant to WEST Consultants) is working with the City of Tucson Storm to Shade Program to incorporate green infrastructure elements into the City right-of-way across from Challenger Middle School. The project will create a safer, cooler and more attractive pedestrian experience; infiltrate stormwater thus reducing downstream runoff and provide irrigation for plants; and provide pollinator and wildlands habitat.  

Wilder is developing construction documents inclusive of earthworks plans, planting and temporary irrigation plans. A custom seed mix, consisting of species native to the Tucson basin, has been developed and will aid in vegetation establishment. Specifications for ground preparation prior to seeding, as well as seed application, were developed for the project. Working with WEST, specifications for application of BSAs (biological soil amendments) were included - BSAs will replace chemical fertilizer for soil enrichment and plant support.

Key project elements include:

  • Narrowing of the street to accommodate planting area and to promote lower traffic speeds.

  • Stabilized decomposed granite pathway buffered from the street by plantings.

  • Planting of shade trees and understory plants. Small shrubs and groundcover will be planted between the edge of road and the pathway in order to ensure visibility to the path; larger shrubs will be planted between the back of path and property boundary.

  • Desert Carpet, a combination of rock mulch applied at a 50% coverage, and hydroseed, is proposed for all disturbed project areas. The rock mulch promotes germination by holding in moisture, and provides erosion control.

The project site in its existing condition. This dirt right-of-way will be converted into a shaded pedestrian walkway with a rainwater fed thriving native plant garden.